Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Promoting Emotional Wellbeing in Working with Children and Young Essay

Promoting Emotional Wellbeing in Working with Children and Young People - Essay Example Hence, promoting emotional well being in children and young people is very important for the development of a healthy society and the world. However, to eradicate emotional problems of young people from its roots, it is very important to understand that it is the home environment that shapes man’s personality and not the society. Hence, the best way to promote emotional well being in young people is to ensure a positive and nurturing environment at home so that the child develops high self-esteem and confident personality which helps him in facing any challenge that society has to offer. Importance of emotional well being The development of a society is possible only when the children and young people living in the society are emotionally and psychologically healthy, as they constitute the future of the society (DCFS 2010, p.3). Emotional well being of young people is important not only for their happy and fulfilled personal lives but also for the healthy growth of the communi ty as a whole (DCFS 2010, p.3). However, there are many challenges to the emotional well being of children and young people as they face many difficulties on personal, family and social levels which make them suffer from different emotional and psychological problems. ... This proves to be dangerous not only for their personal lives but also for the society as a whole. Hence, for the peaceful and positive existence of the individual and societies, emotional health of children and young people is the most important thing (DCFS 2010, p.3). The emotional development of a child begins at home (DCFS 2010, p.3). If a child does not get nourishing and positive environment at home, then he becomes incapable of developing trust in the outside world. It has been found that the foundation of the emotional health of a child is laid in the first two years of his life (DCFS 2010, p.3). If a child is nourished properly at this stage, then he becomes an emotionally healthy being and becomes capable of facing the challenges of life (DCFS 2010, p.3). However, the lack of nourishment at this stage leads to development of many psychological and emotional problems like fear, anxiety, violent tendency, lack of direction and most importantly, low self-esteem (Bernard, Ellis and Terjesen 2006, p.26). Hence, if a child is to grow into an emotionally and psychologically healthy human being, then his childhood has to be nourishing and loving. Impact of social and emotional problems Young people suffering from emotional and social maladjustment go through a lot of frustration and anger. The suppressed feelings try to find an outlet through indulgence in sex, drugs, alcohol and violence (Titley 2004, p.33). Violence in young people not only affects the victims of the violence but also affect the personal and social lives of people who display violent behaviour. It has been noted that children and young people who resort to violence suffer from depression, drug addiction,

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